Insight into AWS...

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Are you still not using Cloud? You want to but don’t know how to do.

If I say you don't need a computer to use computer…Would you believe me?

Almost all of us using the Internet nowadays. So I'm sure that you have heard about the Internet Service Provider. ISP is what which delivers the Internet to our devices. Don't worry, I will not take you deep down to the Internet and its workings. This is about Amazon Web Services so Let's move on to our topic.

Just like an Internet Service provider, we have cloud service providers which enable us to use cloud resources.

There are some CSPs in recent markets. Some giants are Google cloud platform, Azure, Amazon web services, etc. All providers have their pros and cons. Like Google can be used for AI-based projects, Azure nicely supports other Microsoft product but creates problems if you want to use other products. AWS supports most of the other third-party things. So you can use third party software with AWS. This article is mainly about AWS. So what actually is it?

Want to know the basics of Cloud Computing then check out our article: Clouds that Compute...

Amazon Web Services provides so many cloud services in a secure way. It provides computing power, Storage, Database services, Application Services, Content delivery and what not! And the important thing is it costs too less.

Let's take an example. We all are using electricity, right? If we need electricity then we might have two options. We can set up generators and batteries to generate electricity. Another option is to use it from the provider and pay as per our usage. Obviously, we are not going to setup infrastructures as it costs too much. We will choose another option. In our case, another option is provided by AWS. Rather than building infrastructure, we can leverage it from AWS and pay for what you use.
AWS has made things simple….

- Pricing:

○ On-premise infra setup will require us to buy costly devices(even if your company is not earning much), set up them and maintain the security of it. What if someone will tell you I will take care of all, you just use my resources and pay rent. Now that's the thing we all (especially start-up) wants. Savings are earning!
○ Pay for the things you are using. No need further commitment. You will also get a discount if you are committing usage(1 or 3 years).

- Free Tier:

Image result for free
○ If you are new to AWS then they are giving 1-year free tier. In that, you have so many free things you can try and experiment. Just pay for the things which are out of free tier limit. 
○ Trust me you can even host a website completely free and run a small server during this year which will costs you nothing!

- Performance:

○ It is a key thing that the client cares about. If you have your own Infra then performance can be a bottleneck. But AWS offers a huge performance even at a lower price. Reliability is also better than using your private server.
○ Performance is tested using Chaos Monkey. I know it's a funny name, just google it. You will find it more interesting.
○ It has so many regions with multiple AZs which enables data durability and availability into Infrastructure. Plus it will reflect another AZ's copy if current data center failed.

- Security:

○ I guess you are thinking about how secure will be my private data if I am using AWS. 
○ Datacenters are well secured by 24*7 security guards.
○ Infrastructures are tested using security researchers against known hacking attacks. You can set up a firewall around your application-specific resources.
○ AWS has so many access management functionalities which enable you to control your data. It has IAM which allows privileges management for you AWS users. You can grant access to particular users to access specific resources, from a specific IP, in a specific time range. Suppose you want your users to access only in between office hours then it is possible.  You can define your office IP address, so outside office, it can't be accessible. Too simple enough!
○ Like, in S3 bucket, you can allow selected users, block public access and even give access for a specific time and from specific IPs.

- Flexibility:

○ The most important feature of AWS is its flexibility. Almost all AWS services can communicate together and work on-demand. You can even add your on-premise resources to communicate with in-cloud resource.
○ AWS enables you to provision instance in 2 mins and deletes no longer needed instance to decrease pricing.

- Deployment speed:

○ Deployment is moving your local application to the internet. If you have ever done deployment then you must know the pain well. It may take a day to provision the servers. And then deploy the new code. After that testing is performed on deployed instances. 
○ AWS shrinks this time into a few minutes. Like you can have your servers ready in 5 min using Amazon Machine Images(AMIs). Then you can automate other tasks to deploy your servers.
○ If you need more servers due to some events (like new launch or monthly audit), then just provision more servers and have it ready to accept requests from clients within a few minutes. Now, think what if in case of on-premise Infra. I'm sure it would take days if we are out of resources.

- Scaling:

○ If you are using own Server then scaling can be the most important thing. As the traffic increases, we need to increase the capacity of the server. In cloud servers, AWS takes care of scaling of multiple resources like internet gateways, load balancers, etc.

- New Technologies:

○ AWS provides on-demand services for the latest technologies like AI, ML, Blockchain, etc. Check out Re: Invent. They release so many new services each year.
○ Ex. You can use AWS's facial recognition service to build your application and just use it wherever you want.

Common AWS Services:

- Compute Services
- Storage Services
- Database services
- Application services
- Security services
- Network services

I think you might get bored with lots of theory stuff explained above. Don't get much overhead, So many interesting things are on the way. Happ cloud Journey!

Let me know your valuable feedback so that I can improve my contents. Also, do let me know if you have some suggestions on my future blogs.


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